1. I was in an accident a week ago with my little kids after losing our hot water. Last night my son’s oldest was in an accident and we are now headed into the holiday season on the struggle bus with finances.

    My mental health is suffering and we are facing a ton of warfare as our ministry project creeps forward. It is draining energy and it’s hard to remember to be thankful when you feel constantly attacked and like you are drowning in it all.

    1. Big hugs, Donna. I am sorry.

    2. Carol Kent says:

      Oh, Donna. It’s so hard to be hit with multiple challenges at the same time. I’m praying that God will send relief and that you will be surrounded with family members and friends who reach out with love and tangible compassion.

  2. Deb Felts says:

    I’m so thankful for you and Gene, and your ministry. Your determined obedience to God strengthens my own. It’s REAL encouragement. Thank you for being faithful to God in the difficulty life has brought to you. It TRULY makes a difference in my own life.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Your words blessed me today, Deb!

  3. I needed to read this today. We lost my dad in March and my 83 year old mom has been living with me. She has a cat that was with us as well. Every time I opened the door to her room I wanted to go through the roof because the cat made the room smell horrible. I would get so angry thinking that she’s ruining my things. I had to keep telling myself it’s only stuff and to be thankful that I still have my mom. I pray for a thankful and pure heart so I can encourage others even in hard times. Your story has been an encouragement to me. May God bless you richly!

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Thank you for your honesty, Debbie. I’m so sorry about the loss of your dad and I’m praying that God will give you wisdom as you deal with the ongoing needs of your mom.

  4. Thank you for this as I am walking through a very difficult family situation, as are so many others. These action steps are not only helpful but necessary.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      I’m praying that God gives you wisdom in the middle of this challenging situation, Tracy.

  5. Deacon Tom Hunt says:

    Those are compelling words to embrace. We are a world that, I believe, lives for oneself and not for the greater good. We have misplaced the teachings of Jesus of love and concern for the people we encounter each day. For those who are hurting, may God give you comfort.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Thanks so much!

  6. Would love prayers fir my husband who is struggling with lots of emotional things. Negative thoughts, bitterness, anger. Hard for him to truly be grateful. Struggling with depression.

    Thank you

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Thank you for this request, Debby. I’m praying that the depression will be lifted from your husband.

  7. Robin Mounce says:

    I am thankful for God’s creation’s beauty, power and grandeur.

    Prayer? My son and daughter-in-law are going through a heartache. Pray for the presence of the Lord to sustain them.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      I’m praying for your son and daughter-in-law right now, Robin.

  8. As usual, it’s your raw vulnerability that captures our hearts and makes us open to the truths you share. Thank you, Carol. I’m applying this message TODAY!

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Thank you, dear friend!

  9. I follow you because my son is also in prison. He was 18 and it destroyed him and his twin. Now as the holidays always get closer I become numb and sad because I don’t have a way to visit daily. Yet I remain in faith and am thankful foe phone calls and visits when I can, and emails and pictures. I give God all the glory. Although it’s still hard I know I’m blessed and so very thankful. Thanks for this today.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Thank you for writing, Anne. I deeply appreciate your ability to thank God in all things–including the hard things. I’m praying for you and your son right now.

  10. Thank you for this beautiful reminder, I have endured a lot this year from an our prodigal still being so far from us, and still not coming home. My 20 year marriage coming to an end. And a failed suicide attempt earlier this year. It has been a hard year and yet I celebrate that I’m here today because I have to believe that God has a plan for my life! I am thankful.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Dear Marion…you’ve been through so much loss this year. I’m praying that you will experience God’s presence and comfort during this holiday season.

  11. I am thankful for a roof over my head as the news shows others who do not have houses in many countries.lLocally there are 240 homeless children of school age in my central New York City. A homeless woman wept when I gave her a twenty.There by the grace of God there goes us.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      What a powerful reminder this is to show compassion to those in need, Jean. Thank you.

  12. Laurie Eubanks says:

    I struggle with grumbling and complaining just like the Israelites did. Yet my heart knows God and who He is, so I have been convicted this season with giving thanks instead of complaining. I really wish I could be like the lady who counteracted your aggravation with praise but truthfully it does not come natural at all. So please pray for me to be humbled by the fact that God does not like for us to be miserably grumpy with everything and everybody. So I ask Him to help me to please Him instead of griping about my discomforts and inconveniences. Thank you for this reminder of how I can do that.
    Also, I too have a son in prison for a very long time. We presently have a motion for an early release b fire the judge based on the laws changing. He has had it since March 26th. Please God. Soften the Judge’s heart to grant this motion. 16 years already and 16 more seems unbearable. Please help me to give thanks in this circumstance knowing God is working it all out for His good and perfect purpose. Amen.

    1. My nephew was incarcerated some years ago. He got out by God’s mercy and prayer. Nothing is impossible with Him! ❤️ G

      1. Carol Kent says:

        What good news about your nephew, Gina. I’m rejoicing with you!

    2. Carol Kent says:

      Thanks for your note, Laurie. I’m praying for you and for mercy for your son. Keep holding on to God’s promises during this challenging season.

  13. Elizabeth Fedato says:

    I continue to pray for you.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Thank you for your powerful prayers, Elizabeth!

  14. I love this, Carol. You sure do make me feel at home with your vulnerability here. I’ve lost some skin on my lips before doing the same:):) Ha! So many of my favorite scriptures here all in one blog. These I’ve clung to over the years with the great loss I’ve experienced. I have a gratitude journey of my own. God is so, so good. Yes, I’m not necessarily thankful FOR all things (since some of it’s been pure evil), but I am thankful IN all things for sure. I miss my sweet daughter the most from October (her heavenly and earthly birthday month) – December. Although she’s with Jesus and her daddy in heaven, I’m thankful God chose me to be her mama in the short almost 15 years she was here with me. I’m most grateful for the ability to have an intimate relationship with my Savior because out of that intimacy flows revelation … and the longing to be obedient to Him because of HOW MUCH He loves me. Please pray that I can share that kind of love with others through the Holidays and beyond.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Dear Victoria…what an encouragement this comment is! I’m so sorry for your multiple losses. Even through tough times the joy of the Lord comes through your spoken and written words. Have a blessed Christmas!

  15. Thanks Carol,
    What a blessing, this is what I needed this morning. I’m trying to be thankful everywhere I go. This will be the first Holidays without my husband who is enjoying life with God. I am trying to encourage those at work who are going through the same thing I did with my husband and my dad. He died a month after my husband. I love your action steps, I will read this devotion again and again and again. Thanks! May God bless you and your family.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Ruth, I’m so sorry to hear about your husband’s passing. Thank you for your kind words. I’m praying that God will bring great encouragement to you during this season of grieving. God bless you!

  16. Daneen Stahl. Wichita,Ks. says:

    Carol, I was so encouraged by your article. Giving thanks and claiming God’s promises fill me with JOY. Thanks for sharing your journey with JP. Happy holidays to you and Gene.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      So good to hear from you, Daneen. Have a blessed Christmas with your family.

  17. Susan Rutherford says:

    As always, your words put things in perspective. The path you walk is so very difficult, and yet through your struggles you bring light and wisdom to so many by sharing your heart and wise words. Thank you. I pray for you often.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Thank you for those prayers, Susan!

  18. Joy Young says:

    Yes, we surely should be thankful to the Lord. Every November I print out a list of small and big blessings to remind me of a few things (out of a zillion) worthy of gratitude to Him.
    It’s been twenty-six years since I started writing prisoners, and my visits in seven states bear out what you’ve experienced. It’s been suggested that I write a book about those prison experiences, but I probably won’t. Some of the less-than-happy incidents occurred right under the COMPASSION, INTEGRITY, or whatever signs they post. 🙂 Anyway, I just hope my visits have impacted some for eternity.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Thank you for this comment, Joy. I’m sure your visits make a huge difference in the lives of the inmates your encourage. Many no longer have family members who visit. God bless you!

  19. Theresa Grant says:

    Carol started your book and study guide today, my life has definitely been turned upside down with severe family matters.My oldest has turned her back on me and encouraged her sons to do the same, it is sort of like losing your loved ones, but not quite.They are there, but they’re not.Your encouragement to keep my focus on Jesus is exactly what we need.
    I will send up special prayers that Jason will be reunited with his family sooner than later.Stay strong sweet lady.Thank yo for being transparent when the unthinkable happens.

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