An Imprint on My Heart

It was so sudden. In January of 2023 she was vibrant—co-leading a retreat for fellow authors and speakers—but a month later the diagnosis was Stage 4 cancer. I stood next to the bedside of my friend in Wethersfield, CT, thanking her for the major investment she made in my life and in the lives of many others.
Through tears I prayed over her, knowing my voice represented many others who had been greatly impacted by a life well-lived. One day later Lucinda (Cindy) Secrest McDowell had passed from the ravages of a disease-ridden body into the loving arms of the One she loved and served. I can hear the echo of her welcome into heaven, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”
Cindy loved people and she invested a lot of time in helping emerging Christian leaders become better at speaking and writing. She was a faculty member at the Speak Up Conference and she had already submitted the title for a conference breakout session: “When God Takes You on a Different Path” (how to follow God’s plan when it’s not what you hoped).
She wrote: “What happens when my vision for the future doesn’t line up with my current reality? Though tempted to despair, I have discovered that such times can eventually bring me to a deeper place of joy and significance. Join us for some lessons on pivoting, provision, and purpose.”
Did she have a premonition that her life would be shorter than expected? I found myself searching for wisdom in her book, Life-Giving Choices.
Cindy wrote: “One choice each day. That’s all it takes to change your life.” She reminded her friends and readers, “Don’t settle for the good when you can choose the best.” She made an imprint on my heart with her spoken and written words.
As Cindy began her lifelong quest to find what brings life, joy, and meaning, she landed on five key choices that can make a major difference in the way we live:
- Be empowered to simplify and focus on the essentials.
For much of my life I’ve concentrated on doing too many things at once—and on doing them too perfectly.
- Identify challenges you face in juggling responsibilities.
As God multiplied my opportunities for serving him, I was trying to please too many people. I needed to schedule carefully when faced with deadlines and important projects.
- Find freedom to release the pressure of striving to do it all.
Cindy’s mentor was Elisabeth Elliot and she worked in her home when she was a student at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. Elisabeth wrote: “If we really have too much to do, there are some items on the agenda which God did not put there. Let us submit the list to Him and ask Him to indicate which items we must delete.”
- Learn scriptural truths reinforcing your identity as God’s beloved.
Try memorizing these scriptures:
- “…I have loved you with an everlasting love, I have drawn you with unfailing kindness…” Jeremiah 31:3
- “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! 1 John 3:1
- “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8
- Begin daily steps to pursue specific action.
What is the “one thing” God wants you to begin? List the daily steps it will take to complete the project in a timely manner.
What were Cindy’s final written words? Lucinda Secrest McDowell had just written a stunning gift book titled 52 Prayers of Blessing for Women. She left for heaven before it was in print—but it’s just been released. It offers words of strength and comfort to inspire a closer connection to God and it’s filled with beautifully written prayers that help us to celebrate God’s love and presence in our lives. It’s for women of all ages and stages in life.

I’m giving a copy to two people who comment on today’s question. Winners will be selected in a random drawing this week.
Question: What person made a significant difference in your life? What did you learn from him/her and how has their influence, example, or training impacted you?
Travel with Gene & Carol Kent on the “Footsteps of Paul” trip to Greece on September 8-16, 2025, with an optional Israel extension on September 16-20, 2025. Airfare is now listed with the cost. For more information, email

I loved reading about Lucinda. One woman who has made a profound impact in my life is a dear friend, Sr. Janet Sullivan, an IHM nun. I knew her through my church but our friendship continued long after she retired. Sr. Janet is living in the IHM Motherhouse today and is 98 years old.
She is presently in hospice care.
Thank you for your note, Kathleen! I’m praying for your precious friend as I write this note.
My mother was the major influencer in life. She always taught and showed me:
‘no matter what, keep your Faith in God’.
thanks, Mariluce
Your mom sounds very special! My mom was a major godly influence in my life, too!
Teresa Kimbel
She was my first women’s Bible study teacher. She loved God’s word and taught it in a way that you wanted to know it and fall in love with. I was a young adult and didn’t yet understand hearing the voice if God. She challenged me and caused me to seek.
I have been teaching Bible Study now for over 20 years.
Teresa, what a beautiful tribute this is to your very first women’s Bible study teacher! Congratulations to you on teaching Bible studies for over 20 years!
My friend and spiritual mentor Rose Cade has had a profound impact on my life. And the lives of many others. She is the real thing genuine and authentic. She loves Jesus and lives a life that manifest his love. Rose leads a women’s Bible study\ministry in our local community where over 22 churches are represented. Many women through the years have come to know the lord through this ministry and they are discipled after their salvation..
I loved hearing about your spiritual mentor, Rose. She is a woman of influence for God’s glory!
My maternal grandmother as she was the most beautiful Christian I’ve ever know but need spoke of being a God loving person as she lived it each minute! She taught me the Bible. During my growing up years, she encouraged me to be in Bible drills, helped me to know and memorize the Scriptures for the steps to know Scriptures, and she prayed with me! What a gift she gave to me! I thank her and I often tell others about what a praying, giving lady she was. I try to give some of the ways she gently taught me about Jesus to my children and grandchildren. Now one great grandson on two occasions he has spoken before an audience, so I known God is in his heart. He was 8 yrs old and went to a yard sale with his paternal grandmother. He came back with a cross around his neck and said, “Look, Memaw, I bought this cross with my own money!” Pray for Jack as he knows and loves God. He is a precious gift from our loving Father. I will also get a book for his Mommy.
I’m praising the Lord for godly grandmothers! Thank you for sharing this tribute.
As I read this rich story of this precious sister, I kept thinking of many of my friends who would benefit from her story. But true to my typical reactions, why was I judging what others needed, when I needed to start with my own life. I would have loved to have known your friend–and who wouldn’t treasure a friendship with Elizabeth Elliott? Thank you.
Thank you for your comment, Jan. It blessed me.
When I was in college, a student older than me named Sue Jeffrey told me all about Jesus. She invited me to Christian ministry meetings weekly, she met with me for Bible study, and she patiently answered so many questions I had about faith and the person of Jesus. She had a genuine faith that I saw her live out each day. I felt like I made baby steps towards Jesus over the course of an entire year as I learned more and more with Sue each week. At the end of that freshman year of college, I made a big final public decision for Christ at a Billy Graham Crusade in Hartford, Connecticut. I still remember how much time Sue spent with me and really showed me love as Jesus is love. She introduced me to the Jesus I know today.
What a remarkable testimony of Sue’s influence on your life, Marla.
His name was John. We called him, Brother John. Even though years have passed since working with him, I can still hear his voice and see his face. He was an older civilian worker amongst young military members. He taught me how you greeted someone and that how you speak, mattered. I don’t think I ever saw Brother John angry. When he greeted you, he’d always start or end his greeting with brother or sister, and he always had a smile on his face. Funny–when I think of him, I always find myself smiling.
Trish, Brother John’s impact on your life was profound. Thank you for your comment.
Thank you for passing on Cindy’s wisdom. I’m 75, but I’m still serving the Lord. This past month was incredibly “busy,” and I had determined to simplify my days. The other guidelines will enrich my ministry even further.
Thank you, Carol and Cindy.
You are living for things that will outlast your life, Debi! Keep pointing people to Jesus.
My friend Grace has made a significant impact on my life. During a very trying time of facing abuse in my past and also a time of making some poor choices that led to my conviction of a crime at the age of 50, she helped me face my past with hours of prayers and mentoring. She helped me through the dark period of public humiliation and kept pointing me back to God over and over, always pressing in and backing every mentoring session with scripture. I now am starting to mentor a young woman in my church that God put on my heart.
What a powerful story, Shari! Grace was an encouraging mentor and it is so encouraging to hear about the difference she made in your life.
My sister in Christ, Carolyn Squillace, is a hospice nurse. She has always been on call 24/7 to comfort, care, pray, and give support. Always zealous for the Lord!
No matter how I lived or in what state of mind I’m in–Carolyn is my girl to call when I’m in need or to call when I want to share joyful things.
Angela, thank you for this word about what it means to have a faithful friend who is always available when you have a need or when you want to celebrate with someone.
My person came to mind immediately. Mr. Daniel Klaasen. Dan was an elementary school teacher and old enough to be my father. He was a quiet soft spoken man. Living in a small community, I always knew of him. Just the general things–where he lived, who his wife and children were, and where he went to church. Nothing more. I had attended that church off and on over the years and I honestly admit to finding Dan weird and extreme, someone I would never relate to. But, after a very traumatic time in my life I made a total commitment to Jesus Christ and began going to church regularly, to the church I had visited over the years, Dan’s church, and I ended up in a Sunday school class with the elder saints of the church. I was not only the youngest in that class, but I was also a baby Christian. I only knew the basics of God’s Word and I was completely naive and intimidated. I made major blunders as I stumbled through every Sunday morning. Dan was a true Bible scholar. He used his teaching skills to gently nurture me in the Word. He was infinitely patient, always truthful, and demonstrated his faith everywhere. He was quiet and gentle but a true warrior for God. He became a wonderful mentor to me. I had always hidden behind a false mask and used wicked sarcasm to fit in. As I watched Dan demonstrate his faith I gradually took off my mask with him. We became unlikely friends and I grew to love and respect him, and I felt that he had the same affection for me. Sadly, he passed away after a difficult battle with cancer. He fought with dignity and faith. I will always remember him and thank God for sending him to me. As I write this and remember him, my tears are threatening to overflow. That word “weird” is now used to describe me at times. I will claim it proudly! I will strive to honor Dan with my own faith.
Lu Ann, thank you for sharing that sometimes God uses unexpected people to impact our lives in major ways. This is a beautiful tribute to someone who made a major difference in your life.
Wally H. I was 19 years old pregnant and 2,000 miles from home. I was living a life far from Jesus. A neighbor took me to the church where Wally was the pastor. His love and kindness and care for me changed my life and brought me to the feet of Jesus!
Regina, I felt the joy you described as I read your description of Pastor Wally. Thanks so much!
My Bobo was full of the fruit of the Holy Spirit! My goal in life is to be a Bobo to others!
Thanks, Susan! Your Bobo sounds very special.
My friend Carole Camak. I watched how she loved her husband and raised her children. She taught a bible study and we traveled together doing Christian Women’s Clubs. She spoke and I sang. She has dementia now and it’s very hard to watch her decline but I’m forever grateful for all I learned from her. She pointed me to Jesus.
What a privilege it must have been to travel in ministry with your friend! I’m sure you miss those days.
The first friend I met in church is Millie. She became a mother in the faith. Unfortunately, she died prematurely. She loved me unconditionally, and it’s so impacted my faith that I will never forget her.
Having “a mother in the faith” is a precious thing. Thank you for your coment.
Such a great reminder to tell those who impacted our lives while they are alive. So very sorry for your loss, Carol. She was so special, serving the Lord and impacting so many lives. Thank you. Sending Big Hugs to you. I am the Chinese woman at your Speak Up Conference and Writing workshop a few days ago in Ohio.
Rosa, what a delight it was to be in Northfield, Ohio! Thank you for participating in the writing workshop.. God bless you!
My late grandmother Eunice made a HUGE great impact on my life. She loved Jesus, she was a pastor & lead her church with love & compassion. My grandmother would always remind me & say to me, ” Jesus loves you”. She would always remind me to read my Bible, staying in the word of God. These two simple but very impactful things, put me on a spiritual path at a young age & I know that’s why at 48 years old I’m still loving Jesus always and putting him first and foremost in my life. Also, these days people talk a lot about generational wealth, but SPIRITUAL WEALTH is most important to me. So, just as my late grandmom, Eunice, passed the love of Jesus onto me, I intentionally do the same for the younger people in my life! I thank God and feel so grateful for my late grandmother and for my mother who has taught me the importance of having a relationship with God. My late grandmother’s favorite chapter in the Bible was Psalm 91. She would often refer me to it. Whenever I’m in despair, I read that Bible verse and I feel grandmom’s loving arms wrapped around me. I also feel reminded of grandmom’s great advice to lay my burdens down at God’s feet and know he will take care of it all for me. All glory and blessings to our Lord Christ and Savior. Amen!
Thank you for this reminder of how important it is to be godly grandparents. I love that your grandmother’s favorite chapter was Psalm 91. That was my mom’s favorite psalm.
Two godly women wrote in indelible ink on the pages of my heart: my momma and granny. Both taught me the truth of God’s love, Jesus’s sacrifice for my salvation, and the vital importance of falling in love with God’s Word.
Momma’s life was a witness to the abiding joy we have in Jesus. Her language was laughter, and in almost every situation, she could find a reason to laugh. Her smile was her signature.
My granny also loved to laugh, but her tears showed her heart and the deep desire for her entire family to know Jesus. Countless times, I sat at the foot of her rocker while she rocked and silently prayed with tears running down her cheeks.
Love God, love Jesus, love God’s Word, and practice the language of laughter and tears – precious gifts from the two godly women who most deeply shaped my life.
Sherri, I love this reminder about the importance of laughter and tears–the meaningful gifts you received from your momma and your granny. Both are so powerful!
I thank God for 2 women who had a great influence in who I am in Him today. From the time I was born until she passed, 5 years ago this month at 85 years old, my mom was a solid role model of living a life for and with Christ. She had many trials and tribulations but never waivered in her faith. The other influential woman was very similar to yours. She was also Cindy, and I also lost her too suddenly to illness, liver disease, 12 years ago. Cindy and I shared the honor of being women’s ministry coordinators in our church. Our time of working together was a season of growth, blessings and rewards that help keep me strong and grounded in my faith as I continue to try to be an influence in the lives of others. I know that my strength comes only from God, but I thank Him for using these 2 women as vessels in my life.
Marie, it was so inspiring to read about your mom and your friend, Cindy. Thanks!
My mom has had a tremendous impact in my life. She has been my prayer warrior since I was a little girl. She has served the Lord for many years, most often behind the scenes but making a significant difference in the lives of people. She has recently faced a health challenge, going through two surgeries, but has never complained or doubted God’s faithfulness and plan for her life. She is continually pointing me to Jesus.
Debbie, your description of your mom reminds me of my own precious mother. Thank you for this beautiful tribute.
I knew you were writing about Cindy before I was halfway through the first sentence. What a treasured soul. Her light shined bright. I would love to read this book! As I ponder your question I realize I’ve been blessed with so many who influenced my life. Even though I have a dysfunctional relationship with my mom, she still has had the most impact on me. She showed me with her life how to be resilient and how to be an independent thinker. She inspired me with her volunteerism.
Kathy, we were both incredibly blessed to know Cindy McDowell personally. Thanks so much for your comment.
Carol, I won’t enter the drawing as I’ve purchased multiple copies of Cindy‘s book myself to give away, but I consider both you and Cindy to be mentors in my life. We are peers, yet you have both been examples of godly, gifted women whom I admire greatly. Thank you for this beautiful tribute to Cindy‘s life and ministry. I was also
With her shortly before her death, and I’m so grateful for that.
Oh, Maggie, I know we both miss our dear friend every single day! Love you, friend!
My sister Joyce who just passed away Friday from a 2 year battle with ovarian cancer. She was so giving and kind and would help anyone who needed it. She often baked sweet treats and banana bread for coworkers and others just to spread some joy and love! I struggle with the loss of my dear sister and the awesome relationship we had. She was a life long follower of Jesus and I know she is with him now!
Helen, I am so sorry about the loss of your dear sister. She sounds like a remarkable sister and a woman of influence for God’s glory.
Hi Carol, I met you at a retreat where you were speaking right after you went to see Lucinda. At the time I was reading her book “Dwelling Places” which the Lord guided me to after some big changes knowing I needed to spend some time with Him. The words and passages in that book were very healing to me. I have had the great fortune to have many wonderful people of God poor into me, the woman who has and continues to keeps my focus on Him is my dear friend and accountability partner Sherri.
Lisa, I remember that weekend as if it were yesterday–and I’ll never forget the moment I saw Cindy’s book, “Dwelling Places” in your hands. Thank you for your comment.
I was a new Christian living in Southern California, A new mom with 6 month old baby boy and married to a man who hated me and wanted nothing to do with me. I desperately needed a friend and prayed for one. . God provided it bountifully and beautifully with Joyce. She was 35 years older than me and not who i would have chosen as a friend. Oh but God knew she was just what i needed. I called her my spiritual mom. I would never have grown in Christ without her love, concern, prayers, guidance and her deep abiding friendship. She’s with the Lord now and i can’t wait to see her again. Love you my sweet friend Joyce! ♥️
What an encouraging tribute to your spiritual mom, Joyce! Thanks so much!