1. Faye Crowe says:

    My good friend lost her twin sister this year and I lost my husband 20 months ago. Both of us are having a very hard time this year. We are continuing on with life, but slowly and somewhat “ho-humly”, if there is such a word. Thank you for sharing these thoughts. I will share with my friend as well. Merry CHRISTmas.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Thanks for your comment. I’m praying that God will comfort you and your friend as you go through a challenging Christmas. God bless you, Faye.

  2. i just lost my wife in June and two weeks ago her sister lost her husband. I finished a GriefShare program a week ago as well. My sister in another state is in one now too. My kids and I are just back from visiting for the funeral. How you laid out your advice in “Finding Hope And Joy ” above struck me as so, so helpful . I will share with others. Your words apply to everyone, not just those of us in prison ministry. A friend sent it to me. To others, please share as well.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Phil, you and your family are in my prayers as you go through this first Christmas without your wife. I’m praying that you will experience His presence and comfort during this time of great loss. God bless you.

  3. Jesus was born during a hard time for so many, when God had been silent for so long. I’m so thankful we can celebrate Jesus and him loving us even during our toughest times.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      What a great reminder. Thanks so much, Deb!

  4. Cynthia Alvarez says:

    Carol and Gene, I pray God‘s favor and mercy over Jason every day as I pray for my own incarcerated son Jesse. Your story and your writings of trust in God through grief and loss has helped me so much these last 3 1/2 years, so first of all I am grateful for you and the work that God is doing through you., because it has comforted and guided me. Our son was convicted of first-degree murder with special circumstances of lying in wait. We are in an appeals process, so he has not been sentenced and is still in jail. He is on the spectrum, highly intelligent, and has a very deep and expressive faith. He does bible studies and has prayed for several inmates to receive Jesus. Last week he and his father prayed with his Muslim Roomate during an in person visit and Seyed accepted Jesus as his Lord and savior!
    Please pray for continued healing and peace in our family. We are a missionary family working in Peru, and my husband Obed chairs the Global Council of Missions. We’re grateful God continues to use us, as wounded as we are.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Thank you for your encouraging words and for your powerful prayers, Cynthia. I’m praying for you and your son, too, and I’m asking God to surround you with the support of fellow believers. I’m especially praying for continued healing and peace in your family. Thanks, too, for your work in missions. I know God often works in the most powerful ways through our brokenness.

  5. This is our first year with a loved one in prison. We are hurting during this season. Our family isn’t complete this year!

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Sherry, I know that loss of not having everyone around your table for Christmas dinner and I’m praying for you and for your son. Keep holding on to God’s promises.

  6. Vicki Johnson says:

    I met you Carol many years ago at a conference. I will never forget how sweet you were and the prayer you prayed with me as my son was also incarcerated. I continue to pray for a release date for JP. Many blessings to your family and Merry Christmas to you all.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Thank you for your note, Vicki, but thanks especially for your prayers. You encouraged me today. Keep pointing people to hope based on God’s truth.

  7. Carol,

    Thanks for the encouragement today. I feel like I am incarcerated for trying to be a family again. My daughter doesn’t want to get together with my son and his family to help me go through my first Christmas without my husband who died five months ago My son was wanting to have dinner together as a family for my sake, but she is not willing to do it that way. We haven’t been a family for over 20 years. I will keep praying God’s will be done.
    Have a wonderful Christmas.
    Thanks for all you do.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Dear Ruth…I’m praying for you as you go through this first Christmas without your husband. I’m also praying the God will bring unity and oneness of spirit to your family. I love that you’re praying, “Thy will be done.” It’s a good reminder for all of us. God bless you.

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