Happy Thanksgiving from Gene, Carol, and Jason Kent

We’re learning that our lives always change for the better when we develop the moment-by-moment habit of praising God. When good things are happening, it’s easy for us to voice our thanks. But when we’re hurting, we tend to pull back, almost as if we feel punished. After 19 years of Jason’s incarceration, we’re learning to voice our gratitude in the good times and in the difficult times. Join us in worshiping Him without first thinking about whether or not life seems fair. 

Have praise on your tongue: Every. Single. Moment.

Tell God what your heart rejoices in. Thank Him for what you’ve learned in the midst of adversity. Praise Him for walking with you in the middle of a dark valley. Give thanks for the splashes of joy you’ve experienced when you thought all hope was lost. Let His name be on your tongue as often in times of need as it is in times of plenty. Watch how that decision adjusts your attitude and brings peace to your inner spirit.

May your Thanksgiving to Him overflow and bless the lives of everyone you’re with during this blessed time of year.

“Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.”

Hebrews 13:15 NIV

Love and Joy,

Gene, Carol, and Jason