1. Presently, I am waiting on a new job opportunity to manifest back home and I’m waiting for my son to make a clear decision on what his next steps will be after he leaves the military.
    Thank you for your consideration. God bless.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Dayciaa, I’m praying for an open door for that new job opportunity and I’m also praying for wisdom and direction for you son as he prepares to leave the military. God bless you!

  2. ann ferguson says:

    marriage breakthrough husband seeking counseling gets the help he needs to breakthrough past baggage make the next chapter the best yet

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Ann, thanks for writing. I’m praying for that marriage breakthrough as your husband seeks counseling regarding past issues. I’m praying for God’s peace to surround you as you wait with hope.

  3. I have been dealing with eczema in my hands and feet for 6 months which causes cracks, burning,itching, etc. It has been debilitating. I spend most of my days sitting in my chair or going to different doctors. It’s very depressing. I’m used to helping others and feel like a burden. Please pray for healing so I can have a normal life again.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Judy, a reader of today’s blog sent this note for you:
      “I have been taking a supplement called Sulfrazyme, and, it helps, and, clears it up.”

      Please know I’m keeping you in my prayers for relief from this debilitating physical challenge.

      God bless you,

  4. Good morning! I thank you so much for that reminder. I desperately need it this morning.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      You made my day, Rhoda! I’m so glad that today’s blog was helpful to you. You are a blessing.

  5. On God to show up in a mighty and miraculous way in my marriage and husband’s life.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Markasa, I’m praying for healing in your marriage as you seek God’s wisdom.

  6. Your message “touched my heart” Carol! Thank you for the guidance and reminders that I receive from your miinistry.

    Looking forward to seeing you again September 27th at my church: Live Oaks Community Church in The Villages. I have invited other outsiders who need to hear your message too.

    Love in Christ,
    Nancy Giberson

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Thank you, Nancy. Your words blessed me. It was a joy. to have you in the Speak Up Speaker Certification Course and I’m so glad your in one of the Speak Up Growth Groups. I look forward to seeing you at the event sponsored by Live Oaks Community Church later this month. Be sure to introduce me to your friends.

  7. Laurie Eubanks says:

    We also have a son incarcerated who has served 16 years of a 32 year sentence for robbing pharmacies of drugs he was addicted to.
    Laws have changed and if arrested today his sentence would not be that long. A way was made for defendants to ask the same judge who sentenced them to reconsider their charges now and ask for a sentence reduction. We have had a motion before the judge for 5 months and still no ruling from the judge. Our whole church is praying about this. Our lives have virtually been waiting on this ruling. We feel like all the signs are there and God has lined so many things up for this to happen. And yet. Silence. Please pray.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Dear Laurie, waiting on a ruling for a loved one is so challenging. I’m praying for mercy for your son and I’m praying that you will receive word as soon as possible. I also pray that you will be able to minister to many other moms with children behind the razor wire. We all need each other. Thanks for writing.

  8. Norine Pothoff says:

    Loved this Carol! I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to share the 2 Bible studies I wrote some years while doing ministry. I loved facilitating the Good News message of relationship with God in Jesus and the freedom he gave me many years ago. Interacting with groups brought mutual blessings I believe. I’ve been waiting… please pray an opportunity would arise to benefit the most people… if the LORD so desires. Or… for a new direction on my path and the wisdom to hear the Spirit’s guidance. In the meantime… I will practice the principles you spelled out in your blog. I’ve shared your blog on Facebook and with a friend. So inspiring and hopeful to me! You are a great cheerleader to me and so many. For God’s glory, Norine Pothoff

    PS I know the LORD hears and shows up! Some years ago I prayed for my son who I knew was on a wrong path. I waited and waited… finally throwing up my hands to the LORD saying… “How long are you going to let this go on?” Within a week my son was calling me for help. After 2 years of healing and freedom he gave a beautiful testimony in church and received a baptism of repentance. He continues to heal and grow nearly 5 years later… a godly man of 53.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Hi Norine…it’s so good to hear from you! Thank you for the great update on your son. It’s a testimony to the. power of prayer and I know it will be an encouragement to many moms who are reading your words in the comments today. I will pray that God opens just the right door for you to print and distribute the two Bible studies you’ve written to the greatest number of people who would benefit from these excellent studies. Thank you for your faithfulness in ministry for many years. Love, Carol (Gene, too!)

      1. Norine Pothoff says:

        Thank you for your prayers Carol (and Gene too). The way you are praying was eye opening for me, expanding my thoughts about the ways the LORD may direct my path and the doors he may open. Faithfully awaiting HS direction. Norine

  9. Karen Erb says:

    I am awaiting the trial of my son for the murder of my mother this october.
    I am preparing to take a team to Peru for the 20th anniversary of Sewing Hope also in the month of October.
    I am unable to see my son or have any communication with him nor will i be allowed to be at the trial I felt a release to continue with the plans to be in Peru.
    My daughter is also coming along who just lost her husband to genetic disease.
    Praying that there would be people in the court room to support Erick as we are unable to physically.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Oh, Karen…my heart breaks for all your family is going through. I am praying for God’s presence, protection, and power to be at work throughout the trial, your missions trip, and in the days to come. I can only imagine the challenges your daughter has faced, too. I’m praying Zephaniah 3:17 over your family.

  10. much needed words…. I yearn to finish my book and step into my calling more but I am in a season of waiting. God is still teaching me things and experiences to share.
    please pray I will be attentive to His timing and call to ministry. I do not want to miss a thing. I want to stay focused for all He has for me and those I minister too.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Thank you for writing, Mary Beth. I love your heart for finishing the book God is directing you to write. The seasons of waiting may seem long, but His perfect timing is always worth the wait. I will pray with. you about staying focused on all He has ahead for you and for those you minister to.

  11. Gina Mauceri says:

    Iam waiting to become like Him , for Him to fully transform all my hurt n pain n messed up ness from all the abuse mental emotional physical ritual n church abuse n weave it into something beautiful that has no power over me any more n in the waiting I help others with what they need but my balance of self-care n enough time with Him is still challenging with the PTSD and anxiety from trauma healing so many layers have been stripped already n I feel everything n so sensitive to everything n oh the anger that keeps trying to come out but I put it away for fear of what may happen so yes in the waiting room a constant for me n the only thing that helps us the Word. When my mom passed 6 years ago I lost my mind my foundation built on so much abuse n memories God is still revealing that I haven’t seen, so careful He is with me n other people n their pain usually bring it out I cannot on my own but God orchestrates others in my life to do so, now if I could get back to joy praise n worship I loved worship before I lost it my youngest son shot himself n my oldest end up in Western State hospital oh and my mom passing all within the same time frame it undid all of me so thanks for listening n for this blog !!!

    God Bless you n your ministry
    Gina Mauceri

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Dear Gina…your pain is overwhelming–so much hurt with your mom’s passing, the loss of your youngest son, and your oldest in the state hospital. You’ve experienced multiplied loss again and again and I’m so sorry about all. you’ve been through. I’m praying that God will lead you to one Christian friend you can trust and that there will be additional support people who can pray with. you and help to carry. this heavy load. Hold on to God’s promises.

  12. Dear Carol, I loved your testimony this morning. I am in the midst of a waiting period as well, sometimes I felt like Job, at times, like Joseph waiting waiting waiting and waiting. I am getting closer to my God though and know he is there. I think he wants me to be perfect before he uses me and I have to get that notion out of my head. I am ready Lord God to be used. I do help those I see in need along the way. I stood out by three homeless native Americans yesterday while they were being harassed by three police vehicles and four policeman. They had crossed the railroad tracks and the police acted like they had committed a felony. I just watched, listened, and interjected when I felt the need to. I want to help the homeless see that there is a way and the way is to be kind and cooperate, because you can’t do anything with policeman. They do what they want to do. It did make me angry, but prayed for the policemen that were there and encouraged the native Americans to do the same. All four policemen were white males. It was disgusting. I am glad I was there to protect and shield the Native Americans from more pain. God uses me where I am and I know that I have so much to give to people, but I have been blocked by something. I ask for prayers to get unblocked and for God to show me HOW, I am to make a living healing and helping others and for financial peace. I am tired of the wait, but I will wait. Thanks Carol for your words this morning. Continue to do what you do. I am sure it is helping several and those are the seeds that we need to plant. My love and light. Shelley

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Shelley, thank you for your heart for helping people who need an advocate or some level of support. I sensed your compassion for others as I read your comment. I know you :weep with those who weep,” and I’m sure you are an encouragement to everyone who knows you. I’m praying that God will guide you in how to make a living as you move forward with the ministry He has called you to do. God bless you!

  13. Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,
    Waiting on possibly in every category in my current season…my youngest was off to college 2 weeks. She was happily waiting for her transition. This meant after 4 long years as a single mum, I could move on geographically+in my career. Unfortunately I was forced to give up a dream career opportunity along with relocation this past summer. This being due to attempting to care for my ‘undiagnosed’ elderly mother. She has bipolar/dementia/alzheimers of some kind. came in late winter+basically destroyed every aspect of my peaceful home+life. Also, my fiancé is unable/unwilling to relocate as we wait for his daughter to graduate from high school next June. Stuck here. ONCE AGAIN.
    Basically, I am battered, exhausted+sick to death of serving everyone else around me, while my desires+dreams seemingly never end falling by the way side…please pray for joy to return to my heart, mind+soul. i am tired + not sure how much longer I can resist the urge to pack a bag+leave for the life I know in my bones I need/could+want to already be living…thank you.

  14. Tamika Profit says:

    I waiting on Financial Breakthrough in my finances. Funds start my home base business and clientele. My son find his purpose in life. My daughter continues to find her purpose and take care of her 8 month old daughter.
    The right strong man and loves God. ( Divorce 14 years).

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Tamika, thanks so much for sharing your. prayer needs as you wait on God for answers. I’m lifting those needs to the Lord as I write this note. Always remember that God sees you. He knows you. He is your Provider and your Protector. Blessings to you and your family…

  15. Susan Rutherford says:

    Beautiful and timely. Your words of encouragement are Biblical and God’s Word will not return void. Printed this out and put it up on my wall to remind of God’s promises in waiting.
    Thank you so much. I pray for you and your family often.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Dear Susan, thank you for your. prayers for me and for my family. My son recently told me that He believes God protects him from despair and discouragement because of people who pray for him. Thank you for being one of those people. We appreciate you!

  16. I AM waiting…for the energy, time, & inspiration to get an important book out of me & on to paper! I believe this book is God-ordained & God-ordered; therefore, cannot understand my reluctance to get this writing started & completed…

    My intention is to follow God’s anointing on my life to write, but so far, my actions have not aligned with my good intention.

    Please pray for me, Carol. It’s a book that will resonate & inspire & add value to many others.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Dorothy, thanks so much for your comment. I think birthing a book is very challenging and I’m not surprised that it’s been a challenge to get it done. One of the things I had to do was to give up perfectionism, because I never felt like what I wrote was good enough to submit to an editor or a publisher. I was wrong. Once I took the first steps, God placed me with editors and publishers who came alongside and helped me complete the projects I started. I’m praying that you will be able to birth this book.

  17. Kim Hudgins says:

    I have spent a lot of time waiting on God the last 3 years. My son is incarcerated for a crime he was innocent of committing. He was not charged for 6 months until the family put pressure on the Prosecutor. On April 21, 2023 a jury found him guilty of OWI causing death. The accident happened on November 3, 2021 my son had a couple drinks (BAC .048) it was dark, a girl ran from behind a parked car and ran right in front of him. The state’s and our expert both testified no one could have stopped in time, the accident was unavoidable. We have appealed his case and are waiting for the Michigan appellate court to provide us with an oral argument date. Although most appeals do not get granted I’m praying God will open the judges eyes and they will see the facts and vacate my son’s charges. Thank you so much Carol for your books they have helped me so much, especially “When I Lay my Issac down”. It has been a lifesaver for me. I pray for you and your son’s release. In my waiting I focus on God’s word, the blessings in my life (more focused family time when we all visit my son) and I help teach a CBS teen Bible study, which I love. These things help me to stay close to God and get me thru this difficult waiting.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      Kim, I am so sorry about all you and your family are going through and I am praying for mercy for your son. I’m so glad that “When I Lay My Isaac Down” has been an encouragement to. you. (I still have to relearn some of the principles I wrote about in that book.). I’m praying you have a strong support system during this season of waiting. How wonderful to hear that you. are teaching a Community Bible Study for teens! I’m sure you. are a great blessing to those teens.

  18. I am waiting for God to help my sister fully take care of her mental health. I’m waiting for financial freedom & weight loss for me & my mom’s health. I’m waiting for strength to pass all my classes to earn my Principal certification. I am waiting for harmony, peace & unity in my brother’s household. I am waiting for God to help both my nieces & nephew. I am waiting for God to help my mom, to fill her with peace & joy! We serve an Almighty God, who can work miracles and do the impossible SO I’m trusting in him today & everyday. Thank you for your prayers

    1. Carol Kent says:

      W.P., thank you for sharing your prayer needs as you wait on God for next steps and for answers. I’m asking God to give you what you need for this season of your life. I sense your strong faith as you wait: “We serve an Almighty God, who can work miracles and do the impossible, so I’m trusting in Him today.” Amen!

  19. Bridgette Primus says:

    For about 3 weeks now, I have been struggling to get more than one meal a day. I am waiting on the LORD for my daily bread that He has promised me. I know that He is not a liar, but the hunger gets to me, as I still have to go to work and serve Him. I am a Missionary currently serving in Indonesia

  20. I am waiting while my son serves time in prison. It is the first time I’ve ever written that. None of my friends know. I pretend to be a happy grandmother with a happy family. I am waiting until my son returns to Jesus. I thank God for the support that my son does have but I feel a failure and a fraud. I will keep the verses you shared today in my heart and journal.

    1. Carol Kent says:

      T.W., thank you for your honesty. You are in a hard place, and hiding your story is a weighty thing. Over time, I learned that being open about my journey with my son was the most freeing decision I could make. Instead of judging me, people embraced me and said, “May I tell you my story?” I’m praying that you will have wisdom about when and how it might be okay to share your own story–even with one or two people to begin with. I understand the pain you are experiencing and I will keep you in my prayers. Thanks for writing.

  21. Carol Kent says:

    Dear Bridgette, your need is great and I know there are Christians who would love to make sure you. have enough to eat. Do the supporters of your mission know that you have this important need? Thank you for your missionary service in Indonesia. I am praying right now that people who can help you to get more food or people who can supply you with the funding to purchase more food will step up to assist you. Thank you for your faithfulness.

  22. Margaret Milburn says:

    Carol, I am waiting on a new job opportunity. I am looking, but the search has exhausted me and depression tries to overwhelm me. I seem to have lost my direction and passion. It’s so heavy at times. Yet I know He loves me. One reason a door may not be opening yet is because my eyes are still healing from the surgery I had. Swelling behind the eye occurred but it’s going down now. To return to the field I am passionate about would now require updated training. I would need a mentor and gracious supervisors. I am a diligent worker and a quick study. I’m waiting for God’s peace and guidance. He has been so faithful during this time.

  23. I have been in the waiting for the past six months. My son was in a car accident and he had been drinking. The young lady in the other vehicle didn’t make it. We go to court next week where we are expected to accept a plea deal which I consider to very harsh. He will then go to prison. He has given his life to Jesus through all of this. This whole situation absolutely breaks my heart. He has two small children and a wife. I do my best to trust God every day with all of this but sometimes this weight can be very suffocating. I have so many questions that I’m sure I’ll never get answers to and that’s okay because I do know the most important thing is that he is saved. I would rather have some time here on earth without him here with us than to spend an eternity in heaven without him. I have read your Waiting together book and am currently reading A new kind of normal. I pray for you and your family often. Please pray for us as we head to court next week. We need a miracle. .God bless.

  24. Bridget F says:

    I’ve been waiting 10 painful years for my adult son to find freedom from anxiety and depression and addiction. God has had us on a journey of discovering what we can do to change and stop enabling but we are waiting on God to open his heart and his eyes.

    1. Valerie Juillerat says:

      Thank you Carol for sharing. I had spent a lot time waiting on the Lord. I had a three years of one storm after another. Many days I didn’t have the chance to catch my breath before the next one hit. I had lost my dream home, my dream business and both of my sons into the world of drugs and alcohol. We dreaded every weekend knowing there would be another phone call from police or another visit to the ER from an overdose. Prior to that three years, I lived with an alcoholic husband. After our divorce, I met a man I thought I’d be marrying, who left me for Texas. I continued to surround myself with God because He was the only way I could lift my head through the weight of it all. But God can restore! I have a new beautiful home that’s nicer than the last, a new job I love, my boys survived; one in rehab and one got saved while in rehab and a new amazing husband, Tim! I WAITED “24 years” for God to open doors for my ministry, but I have recently finished my manuscript “Finding Hope When Storms Don’t Cease” and can now share my story and bring hope to others. Our trials become our testimony! God is gracious and always good. He provides, He protects, He prepares and He Restores. Sometimes the end is just the beginning!

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